The day I cried in Costco

It was Halloween Day, it was pouring down rain. I have never driven in a rainstorm like that and it was frightening. I had dropped Kate off at school and had some errands to do. I really wanted to go home and snuggle in for the day. On top of this, I couldn’t find my umbrella. I walked as fast as I could through Costco parking lot. My glasses soaked. I was really thinking windshield wipers on my glasses would be great, didn’t they have those in the 1980’s? Anyway once I got in there, I saw all the Christmas decorations!

I walked down the aisle so slowly and just admired the lights, the snowmen and Santa’s. Then I saw it. A Nativity Set. It was perfect for my mantle. I fell in love with it. I was definitely coming back for this in a couple weeks. It was Halloween for Pete’s sake!

So I was waiting for some extra money. Once I got it, I was getting this Nativity Set. So a couple weeks go by. I go online and am crushed! Costco sold out of the Nativity Set. I was actually shocked at how sad I felt. I started looking online elsewhere but nope, nothing like what I wanted. So I kept pushing it out of my mind.

So the day before Thanksgiving I needed to go to Costco for Thanksgiving goodies. It is pouring again. The store opened at 10:00 a.m. and it was jammed by 10:22 a.m. As I’m walking to the store, I am asking God for this Nativity Set. Maybe a return? Maybe a miracle? I get in the store of madness!!! I start walking down the aisles and everything has changed. As I’m going down one aisle I see a guy, with possibly his elderly mom. Just past him is THE NATIVITY SET! I literally stop and start talking saying “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” This guy looks at me like I’m losing it. It just hits me. I picked up this massive box and am going to put it in the cart. This guy starts helping me and I’m crying. Tears of joy. Grateful. Humbled. He of course almost starts walking backwards after he helped me, so he could get away from the crazy crying woman! Lol!

This is an example of God and his love for me. This story may sound ridiculous, however I felt God’s presence. It is the small little Godwhispers. The, I am with you, I hear you, I love you! This Nativity Set isn’t the most expensive or even the most beautiful. It is more valuable to me. From now on anytime I look at this Nativity Set on my mantle every year, I will feel God’s love, that he gave me, in the Christmas aisle at Costco’s and how I cried with warmth and love. Do you hear it? God is whispering to you, listen this Advent Season. It could be to reach out to a stranger in need. Or a family member at odds. It could be something you haven’t asked God. Christmas brings out the kindness in each other. And if you see a woman, in Costco, crying, don’t judge her!!!

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