My Dad is still with us in spirit

This Friday, July 26 will be 13 years since our Dad died. As bizarre as this may sound, I talk to him all the time. I ask him for favors, he comforts me when I’m up against it and I know that Heaven is not as far as we think.

I take his bride, my wonderful mom, to church, doctors appointments and anything else that comes along. My Dad is the keeper of great parking spots for her. He is just waiting for her to finish this life so he can show her God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, our Blessed Mother and all the family and friends that are up there.

We all miss him more than words can express. He was such a solid Dad. A loving Dad and he definitely showed me what humor is. Oh the stories he told…I smile just thinking about the big Sunday dinners and how he held court after with his fabulous tales of working as a police officer. We couldn’t hear them enough.

I think what I miss the most is his kindness. He was not a pushover ever. He was the most honest man our family ever knew, for real! He had a very soft side to him, for his wife and us kids. At his funeral Mass, Father Myers (who ate many a leg of lamb at our house!) talked about what was the most important part of my Dad. Not his business, but his family. His life was about us and all our love. Yes, God first and then family, but he was a big family man.

So here is what I want to say to him: Thanks Dad. Thanks for holding my hand as we crossed the street. Thanks for taking me with you on your errands and telling everyone that I was your girlfriend, even though I was only five. I got a lot of lollipops out of that! Thanks for White Swan Park, going to Indiana, Pa to visit family. Thanks for instilling the love of history in me, we will be going to Gettysburg soon. Thanks for showing me what hard work is and how no matter what, family is everything. Thanks for marrying the woman of your dreams! Thanks for being the patriot you were. You see me and the rest of your children that are fighting in politics. You know you raised some solid fighters (Bill) for what is right! Thanks for leaving me this. A memory I have every time I walk to our seat in church, you sitting, head bowed and hands folded in prayer for us. I can see it, every time. Thanks for being open to life, I love every one of my brothers and sisters. Thanks Dad for bringing me such joy and so much laughter. I miss you so much so I strive to get where you are. Thanks Dad.

Mom and Dad on a wonderful date!

2 thoughts on “My Dad is still with us in spirit

  1. So so true Helen, I think all of our husbands have some of Dad’s savior-fare ? May the traditions continue!

  2. Beautiful. Look in the mirror, you all have many qualities of him. Hair, eyes, nose, humor, compassion, strong Faith, Faith and Family above All Else. He taught you that your human. That everything is not peaches and Cream. Hard Work will Pay off in all aspects of your lives. He has the BIGGEST SMILE on his face. Proud of all of you. Love you Helen, Cheri

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