Living on Rogers Farm

My name is Helen Rogers. I’m married to BJ and Mom to five wonderful children. Beau is married to Angel and lives nearby, Maria is working and studying in her own place nearby. Ireland and Trinity are Catholic Homeschooled with college courses on the side. Kate is our youngest and was born with Down Syndrome and later diagnosed with Autism. Kate attends a wonderful special needs school. My Mom also lives here on the farm.❤️

We live on a 53 acre farm in Western Pennsylvania. We have been quiet here on the farm for the past two years. BJ had both rotator cuffs repaired from the years of hard work taking a toll. He is doing wonderful and chomping at the bit for starting the hay, cows, lambs, pigs and chickens again.

The girls and I are planning our garden and hen house to be nearby. Hoping next year to add a beehive. Every year we plan to do so much and never finish until the next year. Last year I didn’t get my garden in where and when I wanted. Lesson learned. This year will be a much better year and we are prepared. Not so many projects and we plan on finishing the ones from last year!

We are trying to figure out chickens. What different ones we want. Best for eggs and different! We have a beautiful, yes I said beautiful, chicken house that will be relocated closer to the garden.

I will be writing about life. Life as a Catholic, as a wife and mother. I will be writing about the farm and the many adventures. My writing will also be about the wonderful world of special needs.

I hope you will grab a cup of tea and coffee and join me in our many adventures. God bless you!

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